Moldova Hymnal

Here you will find progress and updates (click here to read updates) related to the Moldova hymnal project, as well as samples and other files.

PDFs of text versions coming soon!

Here are the steps for stages 1 (text only), 2 (text and music), and 3 (print and binding). I’ll come back soon with updates on what has been accomplished and links to the files for stage 1 (which is nearing completion).


  1. Determine which 100 hymns are known by the Moldovans (using survey information from the church in Chisinau generated in 2012).
  2. Determine source(s) for existing digital text of the hymns in Russian, Romanian, and English to save time in having to manually type the words of each hymn (possibilities: English,; Russian, an Australian Pentecostal website that Phillip and I came across a few years ago; Romanian, scans of hymnal provided by Rodica Miller).
  3. Generate list of 100 hymn titles that include Russian and English titles to send to Moldovans for input and approval.
  4. Determine which of the 100 hymns I have existing Romanian editions of (in the hymnal provided by Rodica Miller; other sources ???).
  5. Generate list of first 100 hymn titles that includes available Romanian titles to send to Moldovans for input and approval.
  6. Generate text files containing the words of each hymn to be used in generating hymn-only edition (no tunes) and to be used to generated the syllabized text files to be used in generating the full-blown hymnal in stage 2.
  7. Generate a PDF containing only the hymns (that is, the lyrics without the tunes). [This was a request by some of the Moldovans, and it will allow me to get something to them much quicker while I work on the complete hymnal.]
  8. Determine print and binding options and select best option (for text-only edition; this may be something as simple as printing pages in a folder with prongs for 3-hole punched paper; this is why steps 8–9 are included in Stage 1).
  9. Print and distribute text-only hymnal to those who desire a copy (a PDF will also be available to distribute, see step 7).


  1. Generate files containing syllabized lyrics for all 100 hymns in all three languages to be used with tunes.
  2. Generate music scores for all 100 tunes.
  3. Generate scoresheets containing tunes and hymns following poetic phrasing (letting the phrases of the hymn dictate width and not simply how much music can fit across the page).
  4. Generate title page, front matter, indexes and other appendices.
  5. Generate a PDF of the complete hymnal with the first 100 hymns for review.


  1. Determine print and binding options and select best option.
  2. Raise any necessary funds to provide printed copies for the Moldovan churches.
  3. Print and distribute copies to Moldovan churches.


  1. Develop app (online, stand-alone desktop, iOS, Android).


2022.02.02, All of the first 100 hymns in English, Russian, and Romanian (40/100) are decided upon. Text files are being prepared for the 240 hymns (100 En, 100 Ru, and 40 Ro). However, last week it dawned on me that while the English hymns may be in public domain, the Russian and Romanian translations may not be. I have a couple leads on who can help and am in the process of figuring out the copyright status of the Russian and Romanian translations.